I help you find True Happiness, Meaning, and Connect with who you really are.

Get Started with my Real Happiness Checklist, that will help you learn the Art of Creating REAL, LASTING HAPPINESS in only 10 minutes.

Hi. Im Phoenix.

I’m a Coach and Wellness Expert with M.A. in Counseling and a Certified Practitioner.

Feel like something is missing in your life….

Feel tired of doing what everyone says you need to do to be happy… with no success?

Are you working hard to be happy, but no matter how hard you try nothing works and you don’t know why?

Feel exhausted, stuck, and DONE with putting yourself last?

I’ve been there…

I worked a job I hated and was stuck in a bad relationship for years! I kept putting others first, even though I was exhausted and depleted.

And when I tried putting me first…for once…I felt guilty and selfish!

So I know just how painful it is when nothing works and you just feel so tired and disappointed with life., but you don’t have to stay stuck...

It wasn’t until I learned what I’m about to teach you in my guide [get it right here, its my gift to you!] that literally changed everything!

I didn’t know I had the power to change my life….until I did.

AND You do too!

What People Are Saying

Do you -

Feel like something is missing in your life…

Feel like no mater how much work you do, you always attract the same things?

Does everyone else’s needs matter more than your own?

Do you feel exhausted and depleted…and selfish and guilty when you even try putting yourself first?

Do you find it hard ….and almost impossible to say no?

That was so me! I worked so hard, felt exhausted all of the time, and no matter what I did, I couldn’t make my life better and happier… until I realized the problem was with the relationship with myself. I had ZERO idea how to make myself happy.

NOT ANYMORE! If you want to be whole, then learn to heal from the inside out.

You attract what you are on the inside….so if what’s on the inside is unhealthy than you attract unhealthy.

And you don’t have to live like that anymore either.


Feel like you keep attracting the same things and nothing ever changes no matter how much work you put in … to feeling whole and happy on your own.

Stuck and can’t let go of your old patterns… to being Truly Free.

Stop waiting for the other shoe to drop… to feeling mentally and emotionally clear and calm.

Trading self sacrifice for having your own back! You support yourself fiercely no matter what happens in your life.

Going from feeling confused and empty… to feeling full and happy.

Being harsh and critical with yourself 24/7… to feeling valuable and good about yourself!

Become the lead character in your own story

This is not just a possibility….it’s a REALITY when you start learning how to be happy!

You CAN truly transform your life!

Don’t waste years of your life waiting on someone else to heal or save you.

The journey starts with YOU.

I know what it’s like to:

  • feel stuck in a cycle of undesirable

  • chase after happiness

  • feel bad 24/7 and use food, relationships, and caring for

    others to feel better [at the expense of myself]

  • not knowing how to feel good or happy

  • always being put last

  • struggle letting go of the past and an Inner Critic

Once I figured out how to truly love and value myself, my whole world changed!

On my search for healing, I earned my Masters in Counseling and spent the last 20 years learning how to control what I’m attracting and choosing who I wanted to be.

I’ve experienced the same struggles you have and have been where you are! I am determined to help others and be a guiding light out of the loneliness and massive confusion that I felt on my healing journey.

Now, I share my tools and methods [backed by science] to support others on their journey from powerlessness and confusion to empowerment and happiness. I start by creating a safe and loving space to feel held, truly seen, and heard, using brain science and mending the mind-body connection and many others. Just click the button to chat with me and take the first step to true happiness!

Today can be the day that you change everything!

Click the link to Schedule your call. It’s 60 minutes long and only $20! You’ll get real answers to what’s been blocking you and keeping you stuck…it may just change your life!

Begin your walkabout to finding true happiness.

Just click the button to get started.

the path to happiness

Private Coaching will help you grow much faster and easier than going it alone.

  • Start to find happiness after years of walking down the wrong path

  • Truly learn how to love yourself and see the YOU that was always there

  • Heal the confusion and indecision that is running your life

  • Set immovable boundaries

  • Stop blaming yourself, self-rejecting and self-abandoning and start meeting your needs

  • Learn to let go of needing outward validation and live your life in the present moment

  • Truly love and support yourself NO MATTER WHAT!

  • Stop pointing the finger at your symptoms and start pointing it at the problem

  • Turn away from the confusion, the chase, and blame, and other self-defeating behaviors

  • Feel FREE and take back control of your life!!

  • Feel seen, heard, and finally understood in a safe and caring container from someone who has been grown through what you’re going through

  • Get the mental and emotional freedom that comes with learning how to handle your feelings and really love yourself!

    Click the button below to chat with me directly and take the first step to finding true happiness!

  • No one’s going to save you or make you happy… go after the life you want by investing in yourself. Today can be that day!


  • There’s nothing “wrong” with you….when you idealize love, you’ll go to any lengths just to get scraps.


  • It takes enormous courage and bravery to step outside of your comfort zone and step into the unknown.


  • It's your choice... hold on to what's causing you pain or let go and step into the You you're meant to be.


  • When you bet on yourself , YOU'LL NEVER LOSE!


What if the situation that caged you ignites the fire that shapes you into who you truly are?

Start Letting Your Past Go & Start Finding Your Happiness Today.

No one’s going to save you or make you happy… go after the life you want by investing in yourself. Today, you can change everything! -Phoenix

Take the First Step

1. Book a Call: Feel free to message me, just click the blue bubble to your right if you have any questions or click the button below to schedule a Consult Call. The Call is 60 minutes long and only $20 and will help you finalllly know what the problem is that is blocking you being happy, satisfied, and fulfilled in your life! This is the first HUGE step on your journey. Know that I am SO PROUD OF YOU for taking this step!

This is not a “salesy” or gimmicky call. You’ll get real answers and it may just change your life.

2. Get Clarity. On the call, I’ll identify what your struggling with and explain how I can help in clear and easy to understand terms. We’ll find out if we want to work together, and then I’ll customize a plan just for you! Past clients have reported that this call gave them much-needed clarity and changed their lives!

3. Begin Walking. I’ll be your guide on your journey and create a safe space so that you feel completely seen, heard, and cared for. In this safe space, you’ll be completely free to be yourself and get the validation and care that you’ve been searching for! I’ll shine the light on the patterns and and blind spots that have been holding you back so you can start growing and loving yourself in leaps and bounds.